Christian Laurence PCT hike


  • 2022

    Pacific Crest Trail l California + Oregon + Washington, USA

    Hiked the entirety of the PCT from Mexico to Canada. Spent 5.5 months on trail typically hiking between 20-30 miles a day. Problem solved, created lasting community, and successfully led an evacuation from wildfire.

  • 2018

    Mathematics Research l Vancouver BC, Canada

    Collatz Conjecture Researcher
    Studied the Collatz Conjecture (Hailstone Problem). Developed Java programs to attempt to solve the conjecture. Continuing to discover patterns and a possible family of functions that exhibit the same behavior.

  • 2016

    Live Blog l Sydney, Australia

    Devised an intentionally embarrassing situation daily for a month to push the limits of my comfort zone, and published my insights online. As I sang songs to passers-by or tried to start a standing ovation at a movie theater, I observed my own reactions, and learned to overcome my fears and discomfort.

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